At the 2016 annual meeting of the NWCF Board awarding, a $1,000 scholarship to a Washington State University was approved. The President agreed to pursue establishing the fund with WSU.

In October 2016 an agreement was signed by Glen Pfefferkorn, NWCF President, John Gardener CFO, WSU Foundation, and Bryan Slinker, Dean, WSU College of Veterinary Medicine, establishing the North West Camelid Foundation Scholarship.

Since NWCF did not establish a separate Endowment, the scholarship was established with the Washington State University Foundation and will be administered within the “Friends of the Veterinary College Endowment Scholarship Fund.” The initial gift was $1,000. Additional gifts are encouraged and should be directed to WSU Foundation Account #2505-8168, NWCF Scholarship.

Without a separate endowment to generate funds to support an annual scholarship, donations must be made each year to fund an award.

Recipients of the award must be a full time DVM student, have an interest in camelids or pursuing a specialty in the camelid industry, and have a financial need.

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