September 2015 — The highest honor a university can bestow on a professor is naming them to an endowed position which is funded by a generous donor. The position provides annual funds which can be used for research or to support fellowships or student projects.
Dr. Susanne Stieger-VanegasRecently the Oregon State College of Veterinary Medicine announced Dr. Susanne Stieger-Vanegas was the first recipient of the Camden Endowed Professor of Diagnostic Imaging.
Dr. Stiger-Vanegas has received North West Camelid Foundation grants including Development of CT Protocol for Examination of abdomens of Camelids with Colic Symptoms and the Evaluation of Camelid Cardiac Abnormalities Using CT.
Rebecca Camden serves a on the Dean’s Advisory Council. She recently retired as Chief Accounting Officer for CHC Group, Ltd., a company which provides helicopter services and search and rescue to offshore oil and gas companies. She is a 1979 graduate of Stanford University with a degree in Economics and Anthropology. Her late husband was a 1977 Oregon State graduate. Rebecca is a lifelong Dachshund owner and is active in Dachshund rescue. Her Dachshund, Maude, has helped with recent fundraising.
The first endowed professorship at the College was the Glen Pfefferkorn and Morris Wendorf Endowed Professor of Camelid Medicine, first of its kind in the nation, awarded to Professor Chris Cebra.