NWCF is excited to offer this opportunity to share the ongoing medical research efforts with owners from around the PNW!


2023 Camelid Conference

Carlson College of Veterinary Medicine | Magruder Hall

700 SW 30th Street, Corvallis, OR 97331

Saturday, May 13, 9 am – 4 pm *

* Check-in begins at 8:30 am and an optional tour of the Veterinary Hospital will begin at 4 pm.

Registration Fee: $25 per person which includes lunch. Click here to register.

This is your chance to get updated on recommended healthcare techniques from local veterinarians and to hear the latest updates from camelid researchers from around the world.

Conference Schedule

Time Track 1 Track 2
8:30-9:00 Check In
   Start of Silent Auction and 50/50 Raffle Ticket Sales
9:00-10:15 Camelids 101 Part 1
Dr. Scot Lubbers
Amazia Veterinary Services
Common Dental Disorders and Associated Risk Factors
Dr. Kristen Proost
Zoetis, Belgium
10:15-10:45 Break
10:45-12:00 Camelids 101 Part 2
Dr. Rachel Oxley
Juniper Country Veterinary Services
Results of US Camelid Owner Survey & New Research and Developments in Camelids
Dr. Julie Dechant
University of California Davis
12:00-1:00 Lunch
  50/50 Raffle Drawing and Paddle Raising Fundraiser
1:00-2:15 Care for Geriatric Camelids
Dr. Pat Long
Camelid Healthcare Services
Neoplasia and Cause of Death at OSU
Dr. Christiane Lohr
Oregon State University
2:15-2:30 Break
  Closing of Silent Auction and Checkout open for payments
2:30-3:45 Nanobodies and OSU Research
Presentation by Dr. Chris Cebra, Oregon State University
4:00 – 4:45 Optional Tour of Vet Hospital


Sharing Camelid Collectibles is a small part of the fun we have raising money for research.  Do you have artwork or other valuables that are suitable for oral or silent auction?  We welcome donations!  Please email Peggy Gresham llamacollection@msn.com with the description of your items or call (360) 907-5298.

Thank you for helping to make this fundraising effort a success; our ability to fund camelid research and our commitment to support for future veterinarians depends on your support!

Click here to register for the 2023 Camelid Conference

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